“The Absent Presence: The Silenced Voice of the ‘Other’ Woman in New Zealand Fiction.” With Aorewa McLeod. Feminist Thought in Aotearoa New Zealand: Connections and Differences. Ed. Rosemary Du Plessis and Lynn Alice. Auckland: OUP, 12-20, 1998.
“Assimilation and a Final Wipe Out: Missing Readings of Yvonne du Fresne”. Review of Ronning, Anne Holden For Was I Not Born Here?” Identity and Culture in the Work of Yvonne du Fresne. Review in JNZL, Vol.29 Iss. 1, 189-193, 2011.
Batistich, Amelia, biographical note. The Penguin New Zealand Anthology: 50 Stories for Fifty Years in Aotearoa. Auckland: Penguin Random House, 2023, 429.
“A Delicious Landscape.” A Reader’s Guide to Yvonne du Fresne. Quote Unquote October, 20-21, 1996.
Dogs at Night. A Publication with ten other authors of the Creative Writing Class of 1988 with Albert Wendt. Auckland: University of Auckland English Dept., 1989.
“Ethnic Minority Writing in Multicultural Aotearoa/New Zealand.” New Zealand and International Migration: A Digest and Bibliography Number 3. Ed. Andrew D. Trlin and Paul Spoonley. Palmerston North: Dept. of Sociology, Massey University, 60-74, 1997.
“Exploring Disallowed Territory: Introducing the Multicultural Subject into New Zealand Literature.” Race, Colour and Identity in Australia and New Zealand. Ed. John Docker and Gerhard Fischer. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 203-217, 2000.
“Farvel to Marvel.” du Fresne, Yvonne, Motherland. Review in Quote Unquote October, 32, 1996.
“Journey to Belonging: The Fiction of Amelia Batistich.” Svjetski Festival Hrvatske Književnosti. (World Festival of Croatian Literature). Translated by Tuga Tarle. Zagreb, Hrvatsko Slovo, Matica, 2024, 10-23.
Kefala, A., Alexia: A Tale For Advanced Children. Review in X-TEXT, 1996, issue and pages unknown.
“The Migrant Body: Fetishing Difference/Differentiating the Fetish.” SPAN: The Postcolonial Body 42/43,104-13, 1996.
“Migrant Women’s Writing in New Zealand: Amelia Batistich’s Three Dimensional World.” Hecate Special Aotearoa/New Zealand Issue, 20.2 140-59, 1994.
“Never Lost for Words,” New Zealand Listener Feb 5-11, 38-39, 2005.
The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature. Ed. Roger Robinson and Nelson Wattie. Auckland: OUP, “Amelia Batistich” 42-43, “Dalmatians in New Zealand Literature” 127-128, Yvonne du Fresne 147, 1998.
“Pioneer From the North,” Profile of Amelia Batistich, Quote Unquote November,14-16, 1994.
“The Road Back: The Migrant Woman Writer’s (Im)possible Journey - The Migrant Writing of Amelia Batistich.” 14th Women’s Studies Association (NZ) Conference Papers, Wellington, 26-28 August, Wellington, 82-88, 1994.
“The Rolled ‘R’”. Writing the Croatian Diaspora in New Zealand. Croatia/Australia and New Zealand: Historical and Cultural Relations. Conceived and Compiled by Tuga Tarle, edited by Ivo Zanic. Zagreb: Most/The Bridge, The Relations Library, 408-44, 2000. (English and Croatian).
“She Could Have Been Me,” New Zealand Listener January 14-20, 40-41, 1995.
“Weaning Mother”. New Zealand Herald Aug 31-Sept 1, G3, 2002.
“The Whole Person: Foundation Student Experience at the University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.” The International Journal of Learning, Vol 16 Issue 11, 287-292, 2009.
Wittmann, Livia Kathe Interactive Identities: Jewish Women in New Zealand. Review in Women’s Studies Journal Special Issue: Girl Trouble? vol. 15 No2, 173-175, 1999.